Our Laboratory

Renata Bonfanti′s workshop is a craft business always open to the public, where you can still see hand-woven tapestries and rugs in action.
The designs are modern, the weaving techniques are ancient. With the same dedication to design and care in execution, series-production rugs are also made on mechanical looms, as well as tablecloths, curtains, bedspreads, and other fabrics.
The workshop is located in the middle of the green hills between Asolo and Bassano del Grappa, within a building purposely built at the end of the 1960s. In a single large workspace, you can see the entire production and processing in all its stages.
Story of Renata Bonfanti
Renata Bonfanti studied at the State Institute of Art in Venice and at the Kvinnelige Industriskole in Oslo in the early 1950s. Her work took place in a laboratory-studio where all operations, from design to execution, were carried out in a single working space. Over the years, the laboratory, equipped with mechanical looms, was modified several times, but always with the intention of using weaving looms as tools for both design and production. In the late 1950s and throughout the 1960s, Renata became interested in industrial design and had the opportunity to design for various industries. These were also years of disruptive but stimulating technological innovation, and her laboratory was a hub for experimentation. This research led her to design hand-woven tapestries and carpets where artificial fibers were juxtaposed with natural ones. Later on, her interest in interweaving patterns led her to focus on wool, linen, and cotton. Starting from the 1970s, her carpets became increasingly decorated and sometimes even figurative – true tapestries that could be used both on the floor or hung on walls. This idea was not so much inspired by painting as it was by architecture – viewing weaving as an architectural element that could integrate seamlessly into its environment. The main focus has always been on how to intervene in an interior space with a chromatic or figurative sequence that would modify or complete it.
Renata Bonfanti′s work is characterized by a constant dialogue between art and architecture – creating pieces that are not just functional objects but also elements that contribute to shaping their surroundings.
1956 Honorable Mention at the Compasso d′Oro, Milan, for a hand-knotted carpet.
1957 Purchase Award from La Rinascente, XI Milan Triennial, for a hand-knotted carpet. Gold Medal at the National Carpet Competition, XI International Handicraft Exhibition, Florence.
1959 Andrea Palladio Award, International Ceramic Fair, Vicenza, for porcelain vases designed for Agostinelli company.
1960 First Prize for a Cotton Fabric for Interior Design, XII Milan Triennial. Honorable Mention at the Compasso d′Oro, Milan, for a fabric for curtains. Gold Medal at the Hall of Master Craftsmen, Florence.
1961 First Prize at the National Carpet Competition, Cesena.
1962 Compasso d′Oro Award, Milan, for the entire production and in particular for the ′JL′ fabric.
1963 Gold Medal for a decorative wall fabric, Cesena.
1964 Gold Medal at the Grand Prix Mediterranean Competition for Artisan Activities, Cagliari.
1971 First Prize ex-aequo at the Element Competition for Home Decoration, Padua International Fair.
1989 Selection XV Compasso d′Oro Award, Arengario Palace, Milan, for a mechanically woven carpet.
1995 Culture City of Bassano Award, Bassano del Grappa.
1996 Since 1996 there has been a production of mechanically woven carpets designed by Alessandro Bonfanti. These carpets are woven with the same yarns as hand-knotted carpets and with the same artisanal care and design commitment.

Works in public and private collections

Museum of Fine Arts, Santiago (Chile) - Faculty of Architecture, Lausanne (Switzerland) - Museum of Modern Art, Philadelphia (USA) - Municipality of Vicenza, Department of Culture - Casabianca Museum, Malo (Vicenza) - Centre for Industrial Creation, Museum of Decorative Arts, Paris - Design Museum, Milan Triennale, Milan - State Museum of Applied Arts, Munich - Library Archive Museum, Bassano del Grappa (Vicenza). Intesa Bank in the representative offices of the General Directorate - Antoniana Popolare Veneta Bank in some locations in Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia - Popolare di Vicenza Bank in the Vicenza headquarters - Banco Bilbao in the Milan headquarters. Hilton Hotel, Tokyo - Imo Concorde Hotel, Howebi (Nigeria) - Port Harcourt International Airport Hotel, Port Harcourt Airport (Nigeria) - Michelangelo Hotel, Milan - Galileo Hotel, Milan - Bonaparte Hotel, Milan - Locanda Masieri Hotel , Trissino (Vicenza) - Pino Hotel, Cesenatico (Forlì) - La Réserve Hotel , Caramanico (Pescara) – Costa Classica and Costa Romantica cruise ships. For the film "Long Live the Lady" by Ermanno Olmi, specially made tapestries and fabrics were used.

Check out our historical collection of handwoven rugs. Contact us for any information.



Unique and personalized home decor items.

Renata Bonfanti′s workshop is a place rich in history and passion for art and architecture, where craftsmanship and aesthetics blend perfectly. Every project is meticulously planned and executed by skilled hands, capable of creating textiles and tapestries that give style and personality to the space they occupy.


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Via Piana D′Oriente 52
Tel: 0424577008
Cell: 335496799
Email: info@renatabonfanti.com
P.IVA: 01780360242